
  1. 1. /a type of an infection caused by a virus
  2. 4. /a thing that can be used just once
  3. 6. /if something changes a lot
  4. 9. power /source of light and heat
  5. 10. / an adjective describing animal species whose number is decreasing
  6. 13. /to give food to baby animals
  7. 14. /a period of hot weather
  8. 16. / after a volcanic eruption, there is a lot of it on the ground
  1. 2. dump /a place where the waste is put
  2. 3. /if some oil leaks to the river, it becomes...
  3. 5. /look into
  4. 7. /a violent storm with huge wind
  5. 8. /a very large amount of water covering an area
  6. 11. /come across
  7. 12. / a person who does not eat meat
  8. 15. away get rid of