
  1. 2. the substance of which something is made
  2. 5. put things in groups
  3. 7. garbage
  4. 10. a substance made from wood, used to write
  5. 11. shops
  6. 15. diminish
  7. 18. the process or result of reducing
  8. 19. period of no rain
  9. 20. to look after the environment
  10. 21. rubbish
  11. 23. to use again in the original form or with very little change
  12. 25. the people who live in a place
  13. 26. affected by pollution
  14. 27. a group of people assembled for an action or activity
  1. 1. a large area of land covered with trees
  2. 3. to be offered to do something without getting paid
  3. 4. a person or company that makes something
  4. 6. to take something off or away
  5. 8. the planet on which the human beings live
  6. 9. make less
  7. 12. the opposite of protect
  8. 13. to put in the ground young trees
  9. 14. use something again
  10. 16. a sealed container for food
  11. 17. project
  12. 20. the act of polluting
  13. 22. to fill again
  14. 24. make the air, sea dirty