
  1. 2. materials in a natural state
  2. 4. rise
  3. 6. an amount of gas, heat, light, etc. that is sent out
  4. 9. the quality of being poisonous, or the degree to which something is poisonous
  5. 10. the process of getting rid of large amounts of rubbish by burying it
  6. 11. the purposeful clearing of forested land
  7. 13. all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
  8. 14. a narrow area of water such as a river or canal
  9. 15. waste material or unwanted things that you throw away
  1. 1. water that falls from the clouds towards the ground, especially as rain or snow
  2. 3. influence
  3. 5. to make something less pure or make it poisonous
  4. 7. a harmful substance that causes pollution
  5. 8. a large mass of ice that moves slowly overland
  6. 12. the measured amount of heat in a place