
  1. 2. (the use of medical knowledge in civil or
  2. 4. body)
  3. 6. n. 1 . an extremely small
  4. 8. v. to make an effort; to try
  5. 10. n. a person who practices
  6. 13. capable of
  7. 16. n. 1 . an alchemic preparation
  8. 17. in the Middle Ages)
  1. 1. n. 1. a department of forensic
  2. 3. v. to dig up something buried
  3. 5. (a type of chemistry
  4. 7. of a substance
  5. 9. v. 1. to examine carefully
  6. 11. n. any cancer-producing
  7. 12. the earth (especially a
  8. 14. v. l. to extract the essential
  9. 15. law), as in a police