
  1. 4. Consumers (animals) living directly from animals acting as secondary consumers in a food chain. Can be carnivores or omnivores
  2. 5. Microscopic organisms such as bacteria and fungi that break down the bodies of dead plants and animals and their feces and inorganic materials
  3. 6. A demarcated, self-sustaining and fairly stable unit in nature through which energy flows
  4. 8. Organisms that capture radiant energy from the sun and make their own food through photosynthesis
  5. 10. The path that food energy from one organism to the next organism follows
  6. 11. An animal or a person who eats food of both animal and vegetable origin
  7. 13. Are usually all the animals in an ecosystem and they get their energy from eating plants or from eating animals that have eaten plants
  8. 14. Non-living factors affecting living organisms
  9. 15. An animal that eats plants
  1. 1. Consumers (animals) living directly from plants (producers) in a food chain and consisting mainly of herbivores
  2. 2. All living organisms that carry out all seven life processes
  3. 3. An animal that naturally hunts, captures, kills, and eats other organisms
  4. 7. The different nutrient levels in a food pyramid
  5. 8. The process during which chlorophyll in green plants absorbs sunlight and the plants then use this energy to build up energy-rich carbohydrates, such as glucose from carbon dioxide and water
  6. 9. Consumers (animals) living directly from animals that act as primary consumers in a food chain. Can be carnivores or omnivores
  7. 12. Arises when more than one food chain occurs in nature, and an organism derives its food from more than one source