
  1. 4. forest/A tall and mostly area mostly with big amount of rainfall
  2. 6. humans and animals live there
  3. 8. Making something smaller in degree,size,or amount
  4. 10. presense of something dangerous in the environment
  5. 12. of converting waste into something useful
  6. 14. The only living form capable of reading
  7. 15. An answer to a problem
  1. 1. a total of living and non-living elements around us.
  2. 2. weather pattern
  3. 3. Something that isn’t artificial
  4. 5. Something that is there and existing
  5. 7. that live in natural conditions
  6. 9. when you say or stimate things
  7. 11. years/ A long period of the time
  8. 13. Each of the four divisions of the year