
  1. 1. to change the aspect of a thing in order to reuse it in a similar or different way
  2. 3. the action of cutting down a very large area of trees
  3. 5. something that pollutes
  4. 10. the person who collects trash
  5. 13. synonym of recycle
  6. 15. that is able to decompose thanks to the action of living organisms
  7. 17. that doesn't damage the environment
  8. 19. that you can use more than once
  9. 20. a tropical forest
  10. 21. that you throw away once you used it
  11. 22. food that you didn't finish and that you keep for the next day
  12. 24. the act of polluting
  13. 25. the diversity of plant and animal species in an environment
  1. 2. a gas created while breathing
  2. 4. that damages
  3. 6. a system formed by living things, their environment and the relationship between them
  4. 7. waste that you can find on the streets
  5. 8. fashionable
  6. 9. the area of the atmosphere from about 12 to 48km above the earth
  7. 11. to become extinct
  8. 12. that is naturally grown, without any chemicals or pesticides
  9. 14. that is not new, that belonged to someone else
  10. 16. the heating of the atmosphere, because carbon dioxide and water vapor are trapped in the atmosphere
  11. 18. an increase in temperatures around the world, which causes changes in climate
  12. 23. a layer of oil on the surface of a sea