
  1. 1. They cover 71% of the earth
  2. 6. Destruction of forest.
  3. 7. Surrounding in which we live
  4. 9. A substance capable of being decomposed by living organism thereby avoiding pollution
  5. 10. color associated with caring for the environment
  6. 13. Act of protecting Earth’s natural resources for future generation
  7. 14. We have special bins for waste that we can ____
  8. 15. A place to dispose of waste material that isn’t recycled
  1. 2. A cycle that causes the Earth’s orbit to get closer and further away from the sun
  2. 3. Envelope of gases surrounding Earth
  3. 4. Substance that makes plant green.
  4. 5. The most common greenhouse gas
  5. 8. We have cups and bottles that we wash and refill we___ them
  6. 11. The disappearance of a species from Earth
  7. 12. A type of fuels that was made under the ground millions of years ago