
  1. 2. making rubbish into something new
  2. 4. kitchen and garden waste can become
  3. 8. magazines, newspapers and books are made of
  4. 10. when you put something on fire it: Find the verb
  5. 12. planting trees where trees used to be
  6. 13. throw less things away
  7. 15. O2 is the formula for
  1. 1. land with many trees
  2. 3. where you can put in your garbage
  3. 4. a greenhouse gas
  4. 5. disposable packaging material
  5. 6. material harder than paper
  6. 7. glashouse where you can grow plants in winter
  7. 9. plant life or total plant cover
  8. 11. ice becomes water when it: Find the verb
  9. 12. use things more than once
  10. 14. Today it is sunny. The ... is good.