
  1. 6. species an alien species introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health
  2. 7. the natural home of a plant or animal
  3. 9. a prolonged period of abnormal dryness with little or no rain fall
  4. 12. the study of the relationship of living thing (plants, animals and humans) with each other and with their environment
  5. 14. the change from once fertile land into sesert as a result of factors including climatic variations and human activities
  6. 16. the surroundings and external conditions that affects the growth and development of living things
  7. 17. warming a gradual warning of the earth is surface temperature reportedly caused by the emission of gases that trap the sun's heat in the earth's atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned
  8. 18. the waste gas from an engine especially a car's
  1. 1. protecting, maintaining or improving natural resources, to keep them safe from destruction or degradation and conserve them for future generations
  2. 2. a forest in a tropical area which receives a lot of rain
  3. 3. development economic development which ensures that the use of resources and the environment today does not compromise the needs of future generations
  4. 4. a person who is interested in or studies the environment and who tries to proyect it from being damaged by human activities
  5. 5. destruction of forest to make land for agriculture it is seen as a cause of increased greenhouse effect
  6. 8. gases gases that trap the heat of the sun in the eath's atmosphere producing the greenhouse effect
  7. 10. energy the energy from the sun to produce electric power
  8. 11. zone area of water containing low levels of oxygen in which fish, plants and other aquatic life find it difficultto survive
  9. 13. general term used for a type of gardening of agriculture using no chemicals
  10. 15. change it refers to changes in a weather patterns e.g arise in a global temperatures, changes in a rain fall patterns