
  1. 2. the illegal hunting of animals
  2. 5. the study of or an interest in the environment and the belief that it must be protected from harmful human activity
  3. 9. The increasing population of the world
  4. 10. causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to be continued over a long period of time
  5. 12. something that can decay naturally without causing harm
  6. 15. the cutting down of trees in an area
  7. 17. eats a plant-based diet
  8. 18. the natural environment where an animal or plant lives
  9. 19. to move from one place to another with the change of season
  1. 1. an organism that grows on plants or decaying matter, for example, mushrooms
  2. 3. the presence of a substance in a place where it does not belong, or at higher levels than normal
  3. 4. a state of deep sleep that many animals do during the winter months
  4. 6. eats both plants and meat
  5. 7. the animals kept on a farm
  6. 8. the protection of animals, plants, natural areas and natural substances
  7. 11. the production of meat, vegetables or other foods from plants or animals
  8. 13. the number and types of plants and animals in a specific area or in the world
  9. 14. the relationship between plants, other living things, and the environment
  10. 16. all the people, animals and plants living in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
  11. 20. a location outside a large city or town