
  1. 2. Footprint How much pollution you make by using energy and resources.
  2. 3. Using old materials to make new things and reduce waste.
  3. 8. Cutting down forests, which can harm the environment.
  4. 9. Taking care of nature and using resources wisely.
  5. 11. Something that can be made again or replaced by nature.
  6. 13. Making sure we can keep using resources without running out.
  7. 14. When things like trash or chemicals make the air or water dirty.
  1. 1. Everything outside, like trees, animals, and rivers.
  2. 4. The usual weather in a place over a long time.
  3. 5. The variety of different living things in an area.
  4. 6. Taking care of nature and using resources wisely.
  5. 7. Warming When the Earth's temperature gets hotter because of pollution.
  6. 10. The home of plants and animals where they live and grow.
  7. 12. All the living things and the environment they live in.
  8. 15. A layer in the sky that protects us from the sun's harmful rays.