
  1. 3. The clearing of forests.
  2. 5. Gases and particles released into the air, especially from burning fossil fuels.
  3. 7. To cause damage or injury to someone or something.
  4. 8. To make something smaller or less.
  5. 12. To cause something to be completely ruined or damaged.
  6. 13. To turn waste into a new material and use it again.
  7. 15. The natural world and its resources.
  8. 16. The presence of harmful substances or products in the environment.
  9. 17. Able to be replaced or replenished naturally.
  1. 1. Able to continue for a long time without causing damage to the environment.
  2. 2. rain Rain that is acidic because it contains sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
  3. 4. To use something again.
  4. 6. To make or create something.
  5. 9. To stop something from happening.
  6. 10. level The average level of the sea's surface.
  7. 11. To put a seed or young plant in the ground so that it will grow.
  8. 14. The layer of gas that surrounds the Earth.