
  1. 4. a thick forest of tall trees which is found in tropical areas where there is a lot of rain
  2. 5. the general weather conditions in a region
  3. 9. a long period of time without any rain
  4. 11. ecologically
  5. 12. to make something new from materials that have been used before
  6. 13. the natural environment of an animal or a plant
  7. 17. animals or plants in danger of becoming extinct in the near future (2 words)
  8. 20. a layer of air which protects living things from the harmful relation of the Sun (2 words)
  9. 22. able to use less energy (esp. of vehicles, appliances, buildings) (2 words)
  1. 1. wind turbine
  2. 2. a building with walls made of glass, used for growing plants that need warmth and protection
  3. 3. material which has been used and is no longer wanted
  4. 4. always available when you speak of natural resources (such as wind, water and sunlight)
  5. 6. a gas in the atmosphere that stops heat from escaping into space (2 words)
  6. 7. the cutting down of trees in a large area
  7. 8. the air, water and land on which people, animals and plants live
  8. 10. the gradual increase in the Earth's temperature caused by gases such as carbon dioxide (2 words)
  9. 14. the variety of plants and animal life in a particular habitat
  10. 15. fuels such as coal or oil (2 words)
  11. 16. footprint the measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide a person adds to the atmosphere (2 words)
  12. 18. an amount of gas, smoke or heat that is sent out
  13. 19. to make an area or substance, usually air, water, or soil, dirty or harmful to people
  14. 21. a thick layer of ice and snow that covers the Poles (2 words)
  15. 23. to share a car instead of driving one alone