
  1. 4. Reef Underwater ecosystems with vibrant coral formations and a diversity of marine life.
  2. 5. Majestic peaks and slopes, home to diverse ecosystems and breathtaking views.
  3. 9. Park Manicured green spaces within cities, providing recreational areas for residents.
  4. 11. Expansive landscapes with arid conditions, featuring sand dunes and unique flora.
  5. 13. Low areas between mountains, often with rivers and fertile soil.
  6. 14. Cold and treeless landscapes with unique flora and adapted wildlife.
  1. 1. Low-lying areas with waterlogged soil, providing habitats for various species.
  2. 2. Open landscapes with grass and scattered trees, home to a variety of wildlife.
  3. 3. Area Human-made environments with buildings, streets, and a mix of activities.
  4. 6. Vast bodies of saltwater teeming with marine life and mysterious depths.
  5. 7. A lush and vibrant ecosystem, filled with tall trees and diverse wildlife.
  6. 8. Expanses of open land covered with grasses, supporting grazing animals.
  7. 10. Inland bodies of water, ranging from small ponds to vast expanses, supporting aquatic ecosystems.
  8. 12. Flowing bodies of freshwater, shaping landscapes and supporting aquatic life.
  9. 15. Region Cold and icy landscapes at high latitudes, home to polar bears and other adapted species.