
  1. 2. Tropical grasslands with scattered trees, home to diverse wildlife.
  2. 5. Deep valleys carved by rivers, showcasing intricate rock formations.
  3. 7. Human-made environments with cities and dynamic urban life.
  4. 8. Dense and tropical forests with high rainfall, rich in biodiversity.
  5. 9. Icy and cold environments near the poles, featuring polar ice caps.
  6. 11. Vast saltwater expanses teeming with marine life.
  7. 12. Coastal environments with sandy shores and diverse ecosystems.
  8. 14. Arid landscapes with sandy dunes and unique adaptations.
  9. 15. Reef Underwater ecosystems with vibrant coral and marine life.
  1. 1. Cold and treeless landscapes with permafrost, adapted flora and fauna.
  2. 3. Mountainous landforms with volcanic activity, shaping landscapes.
  3. 4. Majestic landforms with towering peaks and rugged beauty.
  4. 6. Open landscapes dominated by grasses, showcasing wide vistas.
  5. 10. Lush ecosystem with trees, plants, and diverse wildlife.
  6. 13. Waterlogged areas with marshes, supporting diverse life.