
  1. 3. Made worse or more severe.
  2. 7. chain The series of processes by which living things eat other living things to survive.
  3. 10. Supplying water to crops to help them grow.
  4. 13. The clearing or thinning of forests by humans.
  5. 14. Illegally hunting or capturing wild animals.
  6. 15. Places where waste is buried under layers of earth.
  7. 16. A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  8. 18. power/energy Energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy.
  9. 19. The act of cutting down trees for timber.
  10. 21. particles Tiny pieces of solid or liquid matter that contaminate the air or water.
  1. 1. The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
  2. 2. loss The destruction or decline of a natural environment where organisms live.
  3. 3. The act of using resources or people unfairly for one's own advantage.
  4. 4. A large-scale disaster, misfortune, or failure.
  5. 5. The permanent disappearance of a species from Earth.
  6. 6. numbers A reduction in the population of a species over time.
  7. 7. An extreme scarcity of food, affecting a large number of people.
  8. 8. Gases or substances that are released into the air, often from vehicles or factories.
  9. 9. The part of Earth where life exists, including land, sea, and air.
  10. 11. The process of making something impure or unsafe by contact with something unclean or poisonous.
  11. 12. exhaust Gases ejected from an engine as waste products.
  12. 17. A long period without rain, leading to a water shortage.
  13. 20. erosion The wearing away of topsoil by water, wind, or agricultural activities.