
  1. 1. service that offers weekly plastic waste collection in various areas in Bali was founded by..
  2. 6. What could be a refuge for many living creatures, but is often neglected and damaged?
  3. 8. Using cloth bags is one way to ... plastic waste
  4. 9. A substance that causes pollution is called
  5. 10. In order to reduce air pollution, one way to overcome this is to (walk) to a nearby place
  6. 11. Those who have the obligation to maintain environmental cleanliness are the ... living in that environment
  7. 12. In the work environment, workers can face several dangerous risks in their work environment, so how many dangerous risks are there?
  8. 17. Labuan Bay Beach is the dirtiest beach in Indonesia, located in
  9. 19. Waste that will not be able to decompose for the next 300 years
  10. 21. Salsabila Khairunnisa founded a platform on social media called...
  11. 22. conditions when the physical and biological components of the earth's system and atmosphere are contaminated so as to disrupt the balance of the environmental ecosystem is the definition of a … environment
  12. 23. What is the dirtiest beach in Indonesia after Labuan Bay Beach, Banten? Just mention the name of the area
  13. 24. a mutation, or genetic change, that helps an organism, such as a plant or animal, survive in its environment is a definition of an...
  1. 2. a sum total of all the living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life is a definition of?
  2. 3. An artist who cares about the environment who has a program to overcome the waste problem by creating an application is
  3. 4. One sign of increasing earth ... is the melting of ice at the North Pole
  4. 5. Who are the environmental figures who have collaborated with the Pandawara group?
  5. 7. Who are the environmental figure behind the “generasi peduli bumi” movement?
  6. 13. The environmentalist's goal is to preserve the environment
  7. 14. a person who is concerned with or advocates the protection of the environment is a definition of ?
  8. 15. how to recycle organic waste by recycling it into...
  9. 16. an example of climate change
  10. 18. a group consisting of five young people from Bandung took the initiative to clean up piles of rubbish in the rivers of Bandung City, called..
  11. 20. The most inspiring female environmental activist in the field of green literacy because she is known as a reading and writing mother in the interior of the Baduy tribe is