Environment and sustainability

  1. 1. The first airport in the world to be powered entirely by solar energy is located at...
  2. 5. China building a dam on this river leading to political rivalry with India and Bangladesh
  3. 9. A country considered to have the world’s first sustainable bio-fuels economy
  4. 10. Atmospheric air closer to the ground
  5. 12. A radioactive element
  6. 15. Silvicultute is the management of......
  7. 16. Species are in danger due to human activity called
  8. 17. Thermal power plant located near Mumbai
  1. 2. Total greenhouse gas emission expressed as
  2. 3. Growing these crops helps in improving fertility of the soil
  3. 4. The world's worst industrial disasters in India at pesticide plant
  4. 6. Only national park which has lion
  5. 7. Environmentalist activist and an author
  6. 8. This state in India has a largest coal reserve
  7. 11. Indian state which is highest producer of cotton
  8. 13. In India a well known examples of extinct species
  9. 14. This gas causes depletion in Ozone layer