
  1. 2. The process of changing waste materials.
  2. 4. A sudden short period of very cold weather.
  3. 6. A piece of equipment that uses energy from the Sun.
  4. 7. The process of removing the trees from an area of land.
  5. 8. The increase of trade around the world.
  6. 9. It develops industries or makes them more modern.
  7. 10. Energy or natural materials replace themselves by natural processes.
  8. 13. Using methods that do not harm the environment.
  9. 14. Also called: atomic power.
  10. 15. A large machine like a windmill.
  11. 16. Derived from living matter of a previous geologic time.
  1. 1. A mixture of decaying plants and vegetables.
  2. 3. The situation when an animal, plant, or language no longer exists.
  3. 5. A type of animal or plant that may soon become extinct.
  4. 11. Used about people who care about the environment.
  5. 12. Dangerous, especially to people's health or safety.