
  1. 3. aquatic bird
  2. 4. One with fossil fuels
  3. 6. a series of vibrations induced in the earth's crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating.
  4. 7. type of energy used in turbines
  5. 8. A person who lives near another
  6. 11. Yellowstone is a.....
  7. 15. the gaseus envelope surrounding the earth
  8. 16. A famous atrctive volcano in Italy
  9. 17. We must protect the En...
  10. 21. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
  11. 22. spray-painted wall of a building
  12. 23. the highest mountain in Africa
  13. 26. animals that feed their young with milk from their body
  14. 28. Urban or .... area
  15. 29. a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.
  1. 1. it contains cellulose cell walls
  2. 2. the animal that kill other animals
  3. 3. It is created by factiries
  4. 5. the first national park in USA
  5. 7. the alternative source of energy
  6. 9. where is the bigest volcano on the earth
  7. 10. the arid region
  8. 12. Wind power is variable and ....
  9. 13. a chemical substance contained in all plants and animals.
  10. 14. A large grouping of wind generators
  11. 16. the animal that is hunded and eaten by another animal
  12. 17. The bigest volcano in Europe
  13. 18. a person who destroys something beautiful
  14. 19. the animal who building fat reserves
  15. 20. a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere.
  16. 24. It is created by temperature increase
  17. 25. detahed
  18. 27. the vesovius was the reason that destroyed that city