
  1. 2. organisms that eat other organisms or their products
  2. 4. organises that produce of their own food
  3. 5. compete against each other for the same food
  4. 7. feeding relationships between organisms
  5. 8. the animal that is being hunted
  6. 9. a food chain
  7. 10. a pyramid showing numbers of organisms in a food web
  8. 12. they break down plant and animal remains
  9. 15. animal that eats producer
  10. 16. animals that only eat plants
  1. 1. only eat animals
  2. 3. a consumer that eats a first-order consumer
  3. 6. another term for consumer
  4. 11. hunts another animal for its food
  5. 13. another name for a producer
  6. 14. eat both plants and animals