
  1. 3. materials burned to make electricity from oil or coal.
  2. 6. garbage
  3. 7. soft wet earth
  4. 10. something makes water, air or land dirty.
  5. 11. a place for people to leave litter.
  6. 13. a window in the roof to let light in.
  7. 14. a long, thick piece of wood you use to hold up a roof.
  8. 15. the energy use to make machines work.
  1. 1. the animals and birds living in a place.
  2. 2. a way to make electricity from wind, sun or water power.
  3. 4. a hole in the ground where you can get fresh water.
  4. 5. the large round objects that go around the Sun.
  5. 8. to hurt something or do something bad to it.
  6. 9. the world around us
  7. 12. To make a place clean.