
  1. 4. A tropical forest of tall, evergreen trees.
  2. 8. The normal sorts of weather for an area is its _______. .e.g tropical _____.
  3. 10. A hole in the earth's crust through which steam, ashes and lava escape.
  4. 11. The world around us is our __________.
  5. 13. To use something again or to change it and use it again.
  6. 14. A big rise in the surface of the earth.
  7. 15. When we talk about the wind, temperature and cloudiness - this is the ______.
  1. 1. A long period of time when it doesn't rain is called a _______.
  2. 2. A very large sea wave caused by an earthquake or underwater volcanic eruption.
  3. 3. A measure of how warm or cold something is.
  4. 5. A very large sea is an _______.
  5. 6. What we call it when we harm and poison our environment.
  6. 7. When something is able to be maintained, it is __________.
  7. 9. When you prevent waste or loss of something.
  8. 12. A large rumbling and vibration of the earth's crust.