
  1. 1. A ​gradual ​increase in ​world ​temperatures.
  2. 2. The ​cutting down of ​trees in a ​large ​area.
  3. 4. Energy gained of the ​heat inside the ​earth.
  4. 6. ​Fuels, such as ​gas, ​coal, and ​oil, that were ​formed ​underground from ​plant and ​animal ​remains millions of ​years ago
  5. 7. A ​long ​period when there is little or no ​rain.
  6. 9. Thick ​layers of ​ice that ​permanently ​cover an ​area on the Poles.
  7. 13. A layer above the ​earth that ​protects it from the sun’s ultraviolet ​light.
  8. 14. To ​damage something so ​badly that it cannot be used anymore.
  1. 1. The ​gradual ​warming of the ​earth because of ​heat trapped by carbon dioxide and other ​gases in the atmosphere.
  2. 3. The ​gas ​formed when ​carbon is ​burned, or when ​people or ​animals ​breathe out
  3. 5. When the earth has too many ​people for the ​amount of ​food, ​materials, and ​space ​available, we call that ................
  4. 8. ​Damage ​caused to ​water, ​air, etc. by ​harmful materials or ​waste.
  5. 10. ​............ forms of ​energy can be ​produced as ​quickly as they are used.
  6. 11. Animals, plants that don't exist anymore.
  7. 12. A ​bear with ​white ​fur that ​lives in the ​Arctic.