
  1. 4. containing dangerous chemicals, e.g. rain
  2. 5. place where domestic garbage is strored
  3. 7. process of turning used products into something new
  4. 9. human_activity_destroying_the_nature
  5. 11. the ​materials in which ​objects are ​wrapped before being ​sold
  6. 12. space_around_us_that_supports_life
  7. 13. gases that are exhausted by motor vehicles
  8. 15. a ​long ​period when there is little or no ​rain
  1. 1. dangerous or damaging activity
  2. 2. the activity when we use too much of something or we use it badly
  3. 3. relating to people in general,e.g. transport
  4. 6. buildings where products are manufactured
  5. 8. objects near human dwellings where domestic gargabe is taken
  6. 10. a ​situation in which there is not enough ​food for a ​great ​number of ​people, ​causing ​illness and ​death
  7. 14. to ​turn from something ​solid into something ​soft or ​liquid