  1. 3. -The combination of smoke and fog in the air
  2. 7. -To use trash to make something new
  3. 8. -The specific gas that surrounds the Earth
  4. 10. -When something is completely gone from the planet
  5. 12. -Something that kills insects
  6. 13. -To use something again instead of throwing it out
  1. 1. -A mixture of rotted leaves or plants that can be mixed into garden soil to give nutrition to growing plants
  2. 2. -To use less of something
  3. 4. -A person who goes on land that does not belong to him usually to hunt or fish illegally
  4. 5. -The act of preserving
  5. 6. effect -The retention of radiation of the Sun into the Earths atmosphere that creates a rise in temperature
  6. 9. -The process of making the environment dirty through things like garbage, chemicals or gases
  7. 10. species -A specific species that is at risk for extinction due to natural and human forces
  8. 11. -A specific place where an animal lives