Environmental Degradation

  1. 3. (In some regions known as a cold snap) is a weather phenomenon that is distinguished by a cooling of the air
  2. 6. is a species of organisms that will likely become extinct due to the unbalanced nature caused by human activities
  3. 9. Is a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity, especially in oceanic climate countries
  4. 11. Is the gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface that was observed for several decades
  5. 12. Chloroflourocarbon
  6. 13. A portion of medical waste that could transmit an infectious disease
  7. 15. Fumes which abeyond intenationally-accepted standards
  1. 1. Any immobile structure facility which emmits air pollutants
  2. 2. Is the most rapid (up to 80 km/h, or 50 mph) and fluid type of downhill mass wasting
  3. 4. Also known as a landslip, is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movements
  4. 5. Is often the result of fish suffocation caused by nighttime oxygen depletion in the summer
  5. 6. The geographic-based instrument for planners and decision makers which present an evaluation of the environment quality and carrying capacity of an area
  6. 7. Gases that potentially induces global warming
  7. 8. Refers to an unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system
  8. 10. Materials generated as a result of patient's diagnosis, etc.
  9. 14. is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms due to man's activity and unbalanced nature