Environmental Economics

  1. 3. If you include the externalities of the products, prices will _ _ _ _.
  2. 5. Giving value to ecosystem services.
  3. 7. Type of country with High GDP
  4. 9. GPI - Written Out
  5. 11. a state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts
  6. 13. Producers
  1. 1. a side effect or consequence of an industrial or commercial activity that affects other parties without this being reflected in the cost of the goods or services involved
  2. 2. Putting regulations on pollution rates, however allowing companies to trade unused pollution caps to companies that produce to much.
  3. 4. an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand
  4. 6. Until your country is wealthy enough to think about the environment you won't.
  5. 8. Consumers
  6. 10. the point where the supply and demand curves meet
  7. 12. Gross Domestic Product