Environmental Energy

  1. 2. The energy stored in bonds between atoms and molecules
  2. 5. Thermal energy is the movement of ________
  3. 7. The energy required to move/change an object's position
  4. 10. With secondary extraction, the initial pressure ________
  5. 12. Energy associated with the movement/flow of electrons
  6. 15. The name for oil initially extracted from the ground
  7. 16. A very commonly used process for converting stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things
  8. 18. Fossil fuels are an example of what kind of resource?
  9. 19. With primary extraction, the natural underground ______ pushes the oil to the surface requiring no additional action
  10. 20. America is known to consume the most energy in what major sector?
  1. 1. _______ resources are generally readily available and are replaced quickly
  2. 3. Energy of an object due to its position or shape
  3. 4. Electromagnetic energy is the energy emitted in the form of _______ of the electromagnetic spectrum
  4. 6. This law of thermodynamics states energy can never be created or destroyed, it can only change form
  5. 8. Subsurface mining is used when coal deposits are deep _________
  6. 9. The energy of motion
  7. 11. Strip mining is used when deposits are near the ______
  8. 13. ______ fuels are materials we often combust to produce these forms of energy
  9. 14. Nuclear energy is stored in forces holding atomic _____ together
  10. 17. Most common fossil fuel