Environmental Health

  1. 1. chemicals that remain in the environment for a long time
  2. 2. mcolorless, odorless gas found in soil
  3. 6. disease that appears for the first time or spreads rapidly
  4. 9. chemicals become more concentrated as they move up the food chain
  5. 10. methylmercury is an example of this hazard
  6. 12. mass of sliding snow
  7. 15. harms embryos and fetuses
  8. 17. determines how harmful a substance is
  9. 19. responds to emerging diseases in the US
  10. 20. type of hazard that includes smoling, poor diet, lack of exercise
  11. 22. the dose that causes harm
  12. 24. term for cancer-causing agent
  1. 1. an outbreak of a disease that affects an entire region or country
  2. 3. the study of diseases in human populations
  3. 4. resistance to these is one reason diseases spread rapidly
  4. 5. ove-activate the immune system
  5. 7. type of assessment that emasures the chance that an env hazard will cause harm
  6. 8. causes changes in the DNA
  7. 11. diseases caused by a pathogen, malaria for example
  8. 13. fibers from this can become embedded in lungs
  9. 14. when a substance is harmful in a large quantity
  10. 16. type of environmental hazard caused by pathogens
  11. 18. any animal that carries disease
  12. 21. type of hazard caused by natural disasters
  13. 22. a funnel of rotating air
  14. 23. can be in paint and dust, causes brain damage