Environmental Law and Policy

  1. 3. Notice posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry related to new legislation/policies and invites public/stakeholder comments.
  2. 4. Notice posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry related to decisions made on legislation/policies including how comments influenced final decisions.
  3. 9. Approach to environmental management that is often government led and based on required actions.
  4. 10. Policy formation approach that considers that “big picture” issue and then the details; also refers to government driving policy development.
  5. 11. Provincial policy tool that sets out requirements to ensure municipal official plans consistently address specific provincial interests.
  6. 14. Policy tool that sets out broad mandates for what government wants to accomplish, including authority to make regulations and rules.
  7. 15. Established broad roles/responsibilities of different levels of government.
  8. 16. Notice posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry providing information even when a Ministry isn’t required to receive public comments.
  9. 17. Municipal policy tool that sets out a various to the policies included in the Official Plan.
  10. 21. Type of stakeholder engagement where information is provided (one-way communication).
  11. 22. Independent officer responsible for monitoring government compliance with the Environmental Bill of Rights.
  12. 23. A comprehensive approach to managing human activities and our natural resources; Works across sectors, issues, time, and expertise.
  13. 27. Acronym for the statements created by Ministries to guide how their decisions may affect the environment.
  14. 28. Government where the opposing parties collectively have the majority of seats in the legislature.
  15. 29. Tool to facilitate public/stakeholder review and comment on new environmental policy.
  16. 34. Laws and policies that apply to a specific group or a specific issue.
  17. 36. Government “floats out” new policy idea.
  18. 37. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to offer funding/incentives related to implementation.
  19. 38. At the review of the annual budget, government includes specific priority actions.
  20. 41. Approach to environmental management that is often stakeholder led and is focused on providing incentives and education to encourage actions.
  21. 42. An example of a tribunal that hears appeals related to municipal powers or issues.
  22. 48. Type of stakeholder engagement where organization looks to the public for advice on specific policy options.
  23. 49. A person is affects or can be affected by environmental law and policy.
  24. 50. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to set out how we do things.
  25. 51. Policy tool that sets out the details for implementation of legislation.
  26. 52. Acronym for the database use to post environmentally significant law/policy made by the government and used to facilitate public/stakeholder comment.
  1. 1. Stakeholders working together to find a mutually agreeable decision or path. forward.
  2. 2. Policy formation approach that considers details of an issue piecing them together to consider broader issues; also refers to stakeholders driving policy development.
  3. 5. Municipal planning tool that provides detailed criteria for implementation a general Provincial or Municipal policy.
  4. 6. Type of stakeholder engagement where information is provided and public feedback is used to influence decisions.
  5. 7. Law passed by legislatures; also called written law.
  6. 8. Impartial/Independent decision maker that reviews the administrative decision making process to ensure that acted within the powers provided under legislation.
  7. 11. Principle that suggests that a cautious environmental management approach be taken to ensure protection of our resources; requires that proponents prove their actions will have no environmental impacts.
  8. 12. Law based on prior court decisions; focused on property or tort law.
  9. 13. A Tribunal that hears appeals related to various environmental and planning legislation.
  10. 18. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to set out specific planning requirements.
  11. 19. Government where the governing party has the majority of seats in the legislature.
  12. 20. Impartial/Independent decision maker that makes enforceable decisions where an appeal has been made related to a specific law.
  13. 23. Type of stakeholder engagement where organization works with the public to ensure concerns are reflected in policy options.
  14. 24. Acronym for non-governmental organizations focused on environmental issues.
  15. 25. Process of requesting a formal change to a decision.
  16. 26. Municipal policy tool that sets out policies guiding land use planning.
  17. 30. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to control certain activities.
  18. 31. Policy tool that establishes specific processes that could be followed in order to implement legislation and associated regulations.
  19. 32. At the opening of the legislature, government includes specific priority actions.
  20. 33. An organization that works on behalf of its members providing a common voice on specific issues.
  21. 35. Type of stakeholder engagement where organization allows public to decide on best policy approach.
  22. 39. Municipal policy tool setting out more detailed plans for a specific part of a municipality.
  23. 40. Situation where political parties form a partnership to form a majority within the legislature.
  24. 43. Purpose of Environmental Law/Policy is to provide certain powers/rights.
  25. 44. Policy tool used by ministries to implement requirements of legislation or regulations (e.g. licenses, permits, certificates, authorizations).
  26. 45. Third party involvement in finding mutually agreeable outcomes.
  27. 46. Tool that sets out standard approval process for an organization and ensures transparency to stakeholders on approval requirements.
  28. 47. Paper where Ministry induces advanced policy ideas and asks public/stakeholders for initial feedback.