Environmental Management

  1. 1. ______ are consumers that ingest fragments and selected parts of dead organic material.
  2. 3. This is the variety of biological communities such as forests, desserts and grass lands with interact with the physical and chemical environments. (2 Words)
  3. 7. A lake oversaturated with nutrients
  4. 9. The amount of oxygen dissolved in a given volume of water at a particular temperature and pressure. (3 Words)
  5. 10. Many become invasive species. (2 Words)
  6. 11. The role of an organism which plays within the structure and functions of an ecosystem. (2 Words)
  7. 12. _____ is the ability to reproduce more offspring with similar qualities that are favourable adaptations for the species survive in changing or harsh environmental conditions. (2 Words)
  8. 16. A species that is native to a particular geographic region. (2 Words)
  9. 19. The end of a species, also watch out for the meteor.
  10. 20. Highly organized cell with a nucleus
  11. 22. A measurement of disorder
  12. 23. An area where members of the same species interact in a sustainable way.
  13. 25. The study of the interactions of living organisms.
  14. 26. Part of the earth inhabited by plants and animals and their interactions with the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.
  1. 2. Environmental growth limit (2 words)
  2. 3. The measure of an energy source’s ability to perform useful work. (2 Words)
  3. 4. A chemical composition when two or more elements are held together by a an attraction by they're constituent atoms resulting in the bonding of basic elements in fixed proportions creating ____.
  4. 5. A community and its members interacting with each other and their non-living environment.
  5. 6. Found in the and around the oceans of warm tropical and subtropical climates, they are rich in life and can contains over 3000 species of coral, fish and shellfish. (2 Words)
  6. 8. The ____ is when two separate species are forced to compete for the same resources often resulting in one species migrating to a new habitat in an attempt to survive and both declining rapidly in numbers. (3 Words)
  7. 12. _____ are organisms that live on or within their food source completing the break down of complex molecules into simpler compounds, a process in which we would label as rotting or decaying.
  8. 13. The ____ states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. (4 Words)
  9. 14. These are negatively charged ions that continually orbit the nucleus of an atom.
  10. 15. Climbing plants that use their roots to filter nutrients from the air
  11. 17. This is one of the basic forms of chemical composition.
  12. 18. A midpoint in the water cycle, between rivers and oceans
  13. 21. The ability or capacity to do work.
  14. 24. Organisms that digest and consume the cells, tissue and waste products of other organisms are considered or called _____.