Environmental Science C1 S 2,3,4

  1. 2. Symbol for Hertz
  2. 3. Way of thinking that includes envisioning new, different approaches
  3. 6. SI Base unit for Mass
  4. 8. University of ________ responsible for killing 150 birds
  5. 9. Using ideas, images, or words of another person without acknowledging the source
  6. 11. Way of thinking that includes logical, orderly assessments
  7. 12. Limits a solutions design and includes ideas, such as cost and availability
  8. 13. Used science and math solve a problem
  1. 1. set of morals or values
  2. 4. After data is collected it must be ___________
  3. 5. Inventing new data or results to lie or mislead
  4. 7. Scientist who created a learning game to solve problem of phosphorus pollution
  5. 10. Some have nicknamed math as the language of ________