Environmental system

  1. 1. Get the independence of India.
  2. 6. Scientist, meteorologist, writer famous for the Gaia hypothesis.
  3. 8. Link the water contaminated because of a bomb that cause the outbreak of cholera in Londres.
  4. 9. America's first environmentalist.
  5. 11. Notable figure in science and therapeutic medisin.
  6. 13. The great increase in production of food grains and better management techniques.
  7. 16. Nobel prize winner for his micro-credits system.
  8. 18. Evolution Homosapiens.
  9. 20. Lider of the movement "New thinking".
  10. 21. recieve the Nobel prize.
  1. 2. One of the first conservation thinkers.
  2. 3. Marin biologist who put in march the modern ambiental consciousness.
  3. 4. One of the first Demographers.
  4. 5. American environmentalist who warned of the dangers of overpopulation.
  5. 7. Discover the cure and create Inmunity to Viruela.
  6. 10. Danish economist focused on the development of agriculture and its relation to population growth.
  7. 12. Published more than 300 articles about nature.
  8. 14. The first African American woman
  9. 15. Implement ational parks and national forests in the United States.
  10. 17. A day where people collect garbage, plant trees, sign petitions.
  11. 19. Published "Walden" and "Civil disobedience".