Environmental Vocabulary

  1. 1. sharp reduction in the population of a species when its numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat
  2. 3. organism that gets its nutrients by feeding on photosynthetic organisms and other consumers
  3. 4. biome found in regions where enough annual average precipitation to support the growth of grass and small plants
  4. 5. chemical that kills fungi
  5. 6. variety of different species
  6. 9. one organism benefits while the other remains unharmed
  7. 11. organic matter produced by plants
  8. 12. growing and harvesting of fish and shellfish for human use
  9. 14. capacity to do work
  10. 16. parts of dead organisms and cast off fragments and wastes of living organisms
  11. 18. person who is concerned about the impacts of human activities on the environment
  12. 19. amount of a potentially harmful substance digested, inhaled, etc
  13. 20. mass movements of surface water produced by prevailing winds blowing over the oceans
  14. 22. a chlorinated hydrocarbon that has been widely used as an insecticide
  15. 23. water that sinks into the soil and is stored in slowly flowing and slowly renewed underground reservoirs called aquifers
  16. 27. party in a court case being charged with creating a harm
  17. 29. species that are found in only one area
  18. 30. producer
  1. 2. high sulfur, heavy oil extracted from oil sand and then upgraded to synthetic fuel oil
  2. 3. promote the development of cancer
  3. 6. increase in concentration of a chemical in tissue
  4. 7. migration of people into a country
  5. 8. determined by temperature and precipitation
  6. 10. can be broken down by decomposers
  7. 11. bottom-dwelling organisms
  8. 13. life centered
  9. 15. coded units of information about specific traits that are passed from parents to offspring during reproduction
  10. 17. inner zone of earth
  11. 20. solid outer zone of the earth
  12. 21. basic building blocks of all matter
  13. 24. digests parts of dead organisms
  14. 25. nonliving
  15. 26. plant that uses its roots to attach itself to branches high in trees
  16. 27. family of 75 chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds formed as unwanted by-products in chemical reactions
  17. 28. studies the relationship between organisms and their environment