
  1. 3. poem good-bye.
  2. 6. increased in agricultural productivity.
  3. 10. annual high trips.
  4. 12. explosion in the Gulf of Mexico
  5. 13. doctrines of transcendentalism.
  6. 16. groundwater pollution in niagara falls.
  7. 17. world nature organization.
  8. 18. the world first vaccine.
  9. 19. promoted conservation moment.
  10. 20. microcredit.
  1. 1. ecological movement by rural villagers.
  2. 2. vice president Usa enviromental.
  3. 4. land and farm
  4. 5. try to stop us nuclear weapons.
  5. 7. anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement
  6. 8. nobel medicine 1908
  7. 9. fight for peace.
  8. 11. Lethal smog that covered the city of London.
  9. 14. third international conference on sustainable development
  10. 15. international union for conservation of nature.