EOC Quiz 5.1 | Criminal Liability

  1. 1. A byproduct of Watergate where bribes paid by major corporations to government officials.
  2. 5. Actions motivated by the desire for financial gains or fear of losing business standing, money and/or property.
  3. 6. Stealing a person’s property by means of violence or intimidation.
  4. 7. To obtain ownership of someone’s property by making untrue representations of fact with intent to defraud.
  5. 9. Sending out unsolicited commercial emails that misrepresent the identity of the organization.
  6. 10. The intentional misrepresentation of material facts for monetary gain.
  7. 11. Wrongfully collect money or something else of value by anyone by means of a threat.
  8. 12. One person kills another when the law permits.
  9. 15. Regulating commerce between states.
  10. 18. Stealing private property.
  11. 19. Prohibit restraint of trade.
  1. 2. When a person entrusted with someone else’s property wrongfully takes possession of it.
  2. 3. Death results from an accident in which the killer is not at fault.
  3. 4. Make up a false document or altering an existing one.
  4. 8. Regulating commerce within each state.
  5. 13. Scams that promise low-risk and high returns.
  6. 14. Giving a false statement under oath in a judicial or another official proceeding.
  7. 16. Reduces competition with a potential impact to consumer prices.
  8. 17. Environmental crime regulated by federal statutes.