EOY project

  1. 1. formed first black regiment
  2. 4. member of the 54th union regiment kept flag standing
  3. 7. first battle in civil war
  4. 11. second reason why civil war happened
  5. 13. hispanic chilean immigrant awarded medal of honor
  6. 14. where did south surrender
  7. 17. What year did civil war end.
  8. 18. “with malice toward none with charity for all”
  9. 19. who was the general on north
  10. 20. president of the south
  11. 21. “ a house divided against itself cannot stand’
  12. 24. bloodiest single day battle
  1. 2. bloodiest battle in civil war
  2. 3. turning point in civil war
  3. 5. what year did civil war begin.
  4. 6. what book led to the civil war
  5. 8. what made slaves able to fight
  6. 9. a speech dedicated to all the dead in pennsylvania gettysburg
  7. 10. why were the north and south fighting
  8. 12. what was the nickname general thomas jackson earned at 1st battle of bull run
  9. 13. who killed lincoln
  10. 15. who was the general for the south.
  11. 16. who was the president during the civil war.
  12. 22. who won the civil war
  13. 23. what was the first disadvantage of the confederacy