Ephesians 5:1-21

  1. 3. Do not get what with wine? Vs 18
  2. 4. Try to do what what is pleasing to the Lord? Vs. 10
  3. 9. Be filled with what? Vs 18
  4. 11. Filthiness, foolish talk, and crude joking are out of what? Vs 4
  5. 13. Everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no what in the kingdom of Christ and God? Vs 5
  6. 14. Do not become what with them (evil doers)? Vs 7
  7. 16. Let no one deceive you with what kinds of words? Vs 6
  8. 17. Address one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your what? Vs 19
  9. 18. Look carefully then how you what? Vs 15
  10. 19. For the what of light is found in all that is good and right and true. Vs. 9
  11. 20. Therefore do not be what? Vs 17
  1. 1. Let there be what? Vs 4
  2. 2. Submit to one another out of what for Christ? Vs 21
  3. 4. Take no part in the unfruitful works of what? Vs. 11
  4. 5. Walk as what of light? Vs 8
  5. 6. Now you are what in the Lord? Vs 8
  6. 7. When anything is exposed by the light, it becomes what? Vs 13
  7. 8. Walk in what? Vs 2
  8. 10. We should be what of God? Vs 1
  9. 12. Give what always Vs 20
  10. 15. For it is shameful even to what of the things that they do in secret? Vs. 12
  11. 18. Understand what the what of the Lord is? Vs 17