Epic Earth Science Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The largest planet in our solar system
  2. 4. How elements are formed
  3. 5. Formed millions of year after the Big Bang, made the elements
  4. 6. Why we can't land on Jupiter
  5. 7. A way to generate power and kickstart fusion on Earth
  6. 8. The smallest planet in our solar system
  7. 11. Matter coalesces into a star and a cloud surrounding it, forming a solar...
  8. 13. Small bodies formed by solar nebulas
  9. 15. What was there before the Big Bang
  10. 16. The first element
  11. 17. When a solar nebula spins, it flattens into a...
  1. 1. Earth's closest counterpart 1 billion years ago
  2. 3. Contains stars and planets
  3. 9. He predicted how matter was formed
  4. 10. A body orbiting a star in a regular fashion
  5. 12. During the Big Bang, energy travelled at the speed of...
  6. 14. An extremely average star with life on one of its planets