Epithelial tissue

  1. 2. inelastic fibres of great tensile strength made up of collagen protein.
  2. 5. the main function of epithelial tissue.
  3. 6. vessel, or that is exposed to the body exterior.
  4. 9. the epithelium with a single layer of flat cells.
  5. 12. the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms
  6. 14. the ground substance and fibers between cells in a connective tissue.
  7. 15. an epithelium with more layers of cells.
  8. 17. this epithelium seems stratified but it's not.
  9. 19. a cell that is as high as wide.
  10. 20. These short fibres cluster into a mesh-like network (reticulum = network) that covers and supports the structures bordering the connective tissue.
  1. 1. the epithelium that lines the bladder cavity. Its apical cells change their shape as the bladder fills with urine.
  2. 3. the surface of a cell that faces the lumen, which is the inner cavity of an organ or
  3. 4. A passive process in which there is a net or greater movement of molecules or ions from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until equilibrium is reached.
  4. 6. the basal surface of epithelial cells lies on it.
  5. 7. it lacks blood vessels
  6. 8. an epithelium with a single layer of cells.
  7. 10. fibres composed primarily of the protein elastin (rubber like protein) that allows them to function like rubber bands.
  8. 11. a flat cell (it is wider than it is high).
  9. 13. a cell that is taller than it is wide.
  10. 16. a group of cells of similar structure that perform a common function.
  11. 18. the epithelium with a single layer of cuboidal cells.