Equation Using Addition and Subtraction

  1. 1. The end product of an addition problem
  2. 2. A single number or variable.
  3. 3. To find an answer
  4. 5. The values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  5. 6. A number, quantity, expression is altered or manipulated according to formal rules
  6. 7. Mathematical symbols that join together to express a quantity
  7. 9. Represents a value of a function
  8. 11. The end product of a subtraction problem
  9. 13. Letters and other general symbols are used in math
  1. 1. Taking something away from something else
  2. 3. Solving a math problem
  3. 4. A reciprocal quality in a math mathematical expression
  4. 8. Equal in values
  5. 10. Adding something to something else
  6. 12. Being equal, or in math you have to do it the same side as what you did to the other