Equity theory

  1. 2. An economic theory of how relationships develop
  2. 4. Partners were happy over benefitting in a ... culture
  3. 10. People who are prepared to put more into the relationship than they get out
  4. 12. A continuing and often committed association between two people
  5. 13. Study conducted to Equity theory
  1. 1. Berg and McQuinn did a ... study into changing levels of equity
  2. 3. the theory of equity is mostly applied to ...cultures
  3. 5. Mary Utne's study used this method
  4. 6. Only takes into account one approach in psychology
  5. 7. Equity theory is arguably more ... than SET
  6. 8. Believe they deserve to be over benefited and accept it without feeling distressed or guilty
  7. 9. Rewards minus cost
  8. 11. Same balance of sharing that may not be fair