ER Conjugation

  1. 4. to sing in French
  2. 5. putting a verb with the specific personal pronoun subjects
  3. 7. you like in French, informal
  4. 9. you like/love in French, formal
  5. 10. third person plural of AIMER in present tense
  6. 12. to speak in French
  7. 14. to listen in French
  1. 1. to walk in French
  2. 2. the spelling of the verb without its ending "er"
  3. 3. to study in French
  4. 6. we love in French
  5. 8. first person singular of AIMER in present tense
  6. 11. when an action is happening, for example, present tense
  7. 13. to like, to love in French