Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychological Development

  1. 2. The first stage of Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development.
  2. 9. whose responsibility is it to ensure the health and wellness of a child in the Early Infancy stage?
  3. 10. What is the last stage of Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychological Development are there?
  4. 12. What age does Early Adulthood start?
  5. 15. Medical conditions that this age may encounter are Arthritis, Cancer, Heart Disease, Sinusitis, and Diabetes.
  6. 16. What stage is Puberty and Adolescence on?
  1. 1. The third stage of Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development.
  2. 3. The type of diet most nutritionists recommend for later adulthood.
  3. 4. How many stages of Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychological Development are there?
  4. 5. Later Childhood takes place during what school period?
  5. 6. A good stress management technique is to use guided __________.
  6. 7. what organization suggests that people over 50 should keep an eye on calories while eating healthy and limiting solid fats and added sugars?
  7. 8. What website should you use to see recommendations for healthy eating tips?
  8. 11. It is an important need for almost all stages.
  9. 13. The physical and mental health of the ____ is a growing concern to the medical community.
  10. 14. What is our body's response to pressure?