ES: Chapter 9

  1. 5. nickname often given to GMO products
  2. 9. having a BMI of 30 or over
  3. 11. deficiency in this nutrient can lead to anemia and contributes to maternal and newborn deaths every year
  4. 14. chronic lack of calories and/or nutrients to lead a normal, healthy life
  5. 15. lack of adequate food energy
  6. 16. chemicals used to kill insects and bacteria that attach agricultural crops
  7. 18. area in the world that is always going to have a higher proportion of hungry people due to weather and natural disasters
  8. 19. typically added to soil to enhance nutrients
  9. 20. type of farming where only the needs of the farmer are met
  10. 21. local or regional lack of precipitation such that the ability to raise crops and water animals is seriously impaired
  11. 22. deficiency in this nutrient can lead to blindness and immune system failures
  12. 23. the process of selling products to other countries
  1. 1. severe shortage of food accompanied by a significant increase in death rate
  2. 2. having a BMI between 25 and 30
  3. 3. gas produced by mammals during the digestion process
  4. 4. primary cause of hunger
  5. 6. GMO stands for ______________ modified organism
  6. 7. lack of nutrients in your diet
  7. 8. the process of purchasing products from other countries
  8. 10. assured access for every person to enough nutritious food to sustain a healthy and active life.
  9. 12. artificial supply of water to crops or land to help growth
  10. 13. chemicals used to kill plants
  11. 17. any type of government or civil unrest that disturbs local agriculture