Escape from Camp 14

  1. 3. Information, often biased or misleading, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view.
  2. 5. North Korean-born human rights activist and Camp 14 escapee.
  3. 6. Political system characterized by centralized control.
  4. 10. Formal questioning, especially by officials or authorities.
  5. 12. Rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of nationality.
  6. 13. Systematic infliction of physical or psychological pain.
  7. 14. Person who leaves their own country to seek refuge elsewhere.
  8. 18. Country where the story takes place.
  9. 19. Evidence or statement given by a witness.
  10. 20. Physically demanding work often imposed as a punishment in prison camps.
  1. 1. Process of forcibly changing someone's beliefs or attitudes.
  2. 2. Former leader of North Korea during Shin's time in the camp.
  3. 4. Person who provides information, often secretly or for money.
  4. 7. System or organization in which people are ranked above others.
  5. 8. State of being free,liberated from confinement or oppression.
  6. 9. Act of staying alive in harsh or adverse situations.
  7. 11. State of being separated from others
  8. 15. Act of breaking free or getting away from captivity.
  9. 16. North Korean political prison camp where Shin was born.
  10. 17. A facility where individuals are forcibly confined.