Escape from Camp 14

  1. 3. Current Supreme leader of North Korea.
  2. 4. Political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority.
  3. 5. North Korean-born human rights activist and Camp 14 escapee.
  4. 8. North Korean political prison camp where Shin was born.
  5. 11. The North Korean caste system that categorizes people based on their perceived loyalty to the regime.
  6. 12. Coercive persuasion to induce someone to give up basic beliefs.
  7. 13. A person who provides information to the authorities and is often given compensation.
  8. 15. The monitoring of materials that pose a threat to society.
  9. 16. The action of saving for being saved from sin, error, or evil.
  10. 17. Physically demanding work that is often imposed as punishment in prison camps.
  11. 19. Biased or misleading information used to promote a political cause.
  12. 20. The state-run television network in North Korea.
  1. 1. Founder of North Korea.
  2. 2. The abduction or detention of people by the state or agents acting for the state, followed by a refusal to disclose details about their fate or whereabouts.
  3. 6. The process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
  4. 7. Former Supreme Leader of North Korea.
  5. 9. A system of government where one person has absolute power.
  6. 10. System or organization in which people are ranked above others.
  7. 14. Conflict between North Korea (supported by China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (primarily supported by the United Nations and the United States) from 1950 to 1953.
  8. 18. One who leaves the country to seek refuge or join the opposing side.