- 1. This note gets two (2) beats
- 2. Composed of three (3) or more pitches
- 4. a genre of music focused on expressing hardships, (with the)
- 5. The penultimate solfege syllable
- 6. "Ta Ta TiTi Ta" is an example of this
- 8. This genre of music was focused on expressing emotions
- 9. Letters in a C Chord
- 10. Volume of music, e.g.
- 13. Five (5) of these form the musical staff
- 14. Miss Yazo's primary instrument
- 16. 3rd Space, 1st Line, 2nd Line
- 18. An instrumental group consisting of wind, string, and percussion instruments
- 19. The second solfege syllable
- 21. An Italian word for a slow speed
- 26. How many beats in a whole rest
- 27. Letters in an F Chord
- 28. Conductor's wand
- 30. Quiet, musically
- 33. A stringed instrument originally invented by the Portuguese
- 34. Loud, in Italian
- 1. The first keyboard instrument invented
- 3. A brass instrument might also be called this
- 4. A genre of music that lasted from 1600-1750 and was very ornate
- 7. The speed of music, in Italian
- 9. A genre of music during which Beethoven composed
- 11. "Every bird has found a place, on a line or in a ______"
- 12. Letters in a B Diminished Chord
- 15. How many beats in a dotted half note
- 17. How music is divided and organized
- 20. The first solfege syllable
- 22. Style of music
- 23. # First Space
- 24. Music performed alone
- 25. 3rd Space, 2nd Space, 3rd Line
- 29. The letters of the alphabet used in music
- 31. 2nd Space, 2nd Line, 4th Space, 4th Line
- 32. The name of this symbol -->
- 35. A highly popular genre of music today